Active sexual life brings physical and moral, improves self-esteem, it is useful for health, so that the issues of the power of the male part of the population refers to the light. Some of the most frequent query in the internet is to search for information and the answer to the questions: how to increase potency in men of popular media, as well as how to improve the erection in the home.
Network pharmacies and the shops of products intimate to choose from offering a multitude of development of the pharmaceutical industry, the main objective of improving the sexual relations and sexual potency in men. Several web sites are full of ads for miraculous of funds of dubious composition that promise to brave skill more erections until old age.

Accumulated and proven by centuries of experience of the ancestors gives you the opportunity to experiment recipes, increase the sexual function of medicine. Understand a wide range of methodologies and tools difficult, but this article will help men to systematize the basic information, which will improve the quality of the sex simple and accessible forms.
The causes of the reduction of the power
According to the surveys, a disorder of erectile function psychogenic nature in russia suffers about 75% of men over the age of 23 years. This is the types of deterioration of the quality of sexual life due to the insufficient strong erection that are not caused by serious pathologies that require the intervention of a doctor. The knowledge and the timely solution of the causes of the decline of male potency is the most reliable way to avoid problems related to sex.
External causes of
The abundance of stress, fatigue, poor diet, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, worrying android for fear of being insolvent lover in, exert a considerable influence on the power of men.
The timely identification of the negative impacts and the removal of them will help you to increase the power and improve the quality of the intimate life. To correct the negative effect of external causes can remedies, without resorting to the help of a specialist and not to abuse the pills.
The individual characteristics of the
For the majority of the representatives of a strong half of humanity is important is the satisfaction of the sexual partner. Not rare are the cases when the impotence in the men, all in order, the erection to arrive on time, but the duration of sexual intercourse is too short for a woman reached orgasm. In this case, we can recommend ways to increase the resistance, as well as the use of drugs that prolong the time of love making.
Simple methods to improve the power
Described below are the easy reasons for the correction of the shapes and allow you to understand how to increase potency in men in the household.
Resolution of external causes
The use of a healthy lifestyle, in the case of disturbances in the sexual sphere in men is of the utmost importance. Most of the methodologies and people's councils specifically refer to the issues of nutrition, the renunciation of habits, as well as the need to exercise a physical. Compliance with these simple recommendations enable you to grow to increase the sexual power, without having in such a delicate matter to the assistance of a specialist, using the means available.
The power
Food products can do to help and increase the masculine strength in a natural way. Of the products that constitute the basis of the diet, is directly dependent on the ability of the holding of a full sexual act, the brightness of the sensations, the quality of the male seed.
That necessarily should be on the table of the men, who wish to elevate their level of sexual energy?
- The fish and shellfish. The content in these products, useful amino acids and micronutrients, increase the production of the major male hormone, testosterone, makes it an indispensable part of the diet for people who want to increase the sexual power. It is especially useful to marine fish and shellfish.
- The honey bee. This natural product contains substances that increase the resistance and improve the quality of the sperm. Is part of many popular recipes for the improvement of erectile function. Some of the varieties of honey, enriched with additional components of beekeeping. The content of the pollen or the royal jelly is able to transform this available tool today in the cure of impotence.
- Nuts. Oils benefits of essential oils contained in the same, shall be deemed accepted aphrodisiac, so that they can significantly increase the sexual power. Walnuts with honey, well-known popular tool with the beneficial properties. The components of this composition are capable of in the shortest time possible to boost sexual arousal, and as an added bonus of providing the sufficient amount of energy for long the pleasures of love. Such a mixture, as a way of increasing the power, it's used since the ancient times.
- The flesh. A protein that is found in meat products, can not be replaced by other foods. The benefits of essential oils, amino acids are necessary for the proper functioning of the sexual system and ensure the maintenance of hormones at the appropriate level. The popular wisdom is also often advised to eat meat products, to be able to boast of a strong male health.
- The fruits and vegetables. You are required to obtain the vitamins and useful micronutrients, which increase the production of sperm, by improving its quality. The onions, tomatoes, turnips – the most useful for the health of men. Between the fruit, recognized as leaders in the increase of sexual activity of the palm belongs to citrus. Supplement your diet with vegetables in sufficient quantity, eat a fruit, you can strengthen sexy potential.
- Eggs. This is a product that is available enables you to receive useful protein, and when reasonable consumption prevents the accumulation of harmful cholesterol. The circulatory system is fully provides the body of blood and oxygen, including the main manhood.
- Vegetables and seasonings. Not in vain the caucasian peoples are famous for their temperament. Eating a large amount of natural and dry vegetation, rise in the body's testosterone levels. In addition, the antioxidants that are found here in the vegetation, you are able to prolong the youth, the improvement of the updating processes of the cells.
The inclusion in the daily diet of the products of the list, to avoid problems with impotence, will enhance the momentum and help his company to a man full sexual life. In addition, most of the components of nutrition are to be converted into a good prevention of excess weight, which negatively affects the libido and the quality of the sex.
Active supplements

Recognized remedies able to increase the power, they are of the tincture of ginseng and siberian ginseng. The kitchen hood of these unique plants, you are able to prolong youth and longevity into old age. Simple popular recipes, including these tools do not require a large amount of time and cost of its preparation, therefore, increase your sexual power, with your help, can any man.
Fond without much need of medicines that you can buy in the pharmacy, it is not worth.
The desire of men to increase the power with the help of chemical additives may face unpleasant consequences. A part of them is addictive, most drugs have restrictions and contraindications to their use, and some of the tools are just a cheap publicity stunt, no impact on sexual potency.
In case of special need, recommendations on what are tablets can be applied, will give only a qualified doctor. Solution of problems not related to the pathological processes can rely on the simple folk of the visions.
Good power is directly related to the physical activity. The increased flow of blood to the organs of the pelvis, you can avoid the stagnation of the phenomena and to avoid the development of dangerous diseases of the urinary system. The training of the muscles influences the resistance necessary to prolong the sexual act.
Special complexes of exercises for men to regulate their application, are an effective method to combat the premature ejaculation. Bonus with constant training will be a toned body, which in and of itself is attractive to the ladies.
It's helpful to learn the kegel exercise. Aware of the administration of the muscles, allows you to regulate the level of erection, will increase the sensations during intercourse, and in general, will help to increase the sexual power. The advantages of these workouts is the possibility of their application in any place, invisible from the tension of the muscles utter no one will see.
The national liberation from bad habits
The fascination for alcohol and nicotine leads to blockage of the vessels, decreased tone and increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. Power the smokers to be in danger, and those contained in the cigarettes of the resin and the heaviest of the chemical elements that can cause serious violations of the sexual function.
Blame it all on the narrowing of the blood vessels, in particular feed the penis, so that the filling of the blood occurs very slowly and very little for an erection strong volume. Increase power, continuing abuse of the bad habits is very difficult.
The fight with the stress
Problems happen to every person, with them we have to learn to manage, not allowing the stressors to make a disorder in the sexual life. Different methods of calming the breath, concentrate, relaxation, can reduce the harmful effect psychogenic loads in the body and increase the sexual power.
If possible, the man should avoid conflicts, to spend more time in nature, surrounded only Russian language configured trafficking.
Good by means of the rapid reduction of the levels of stress, and at the same time, and the training of the vessels is the contrast shower. The rotation of the flows of hot and cold water to calm the nerves and tones up the body. Already the ancient greeks noticed, "in a healthy body – healthy mind".
The adjustment of the individual characteristics of
In terms of the correction of the causes that relate to the traits of the body and are related to the quality of the erection, or deductions, can help of tools for local application. Wide dissemination among the men were ointments, gels, aerosols, drops to increase the flow of blood to the penis.
You can choose the composition, which increases the dimensions of the dignity of man, with a cold effect or with flavors typical of the earth.
The use of such media is a good alternative to the pill of Viagra or other popular medication. Improve in a matter of minutes an erection are safe, do not cause addiction, can be applied to a man at the right time and act very quickly. Impact on the body, these tools do not have, so that you can control the power, if necessary.

To the sphere of the means to strengthen the power can be attributed to the selection of the positions in which maintaining an erection more easy. When choosing the position in which it is possible to increased the flow of blood to the penis, you can adjust the duration of the event. For example, the choice of the position of "the man above" significantly increases the blood circulation, and as a bonus that allows you to get additional of the thrill of the contemplation of the companion.
Follow these simple tips and the use of popular methods in the home will grow to the long years of enjoying the pleasant the process without effort, which allows to increase the android potential without the chemical.