We offer products for potency, a list of which with explanations you will find in this article. But first, let's explain what the role of food is in increasing male strength.
But first, let's explain that the right potency-enhancing products are those that contain all the vitamins necessary for male reproductive function, especially zinc and selenium, and the entire list of micro and macro elements.
It is its presence in the body of a man that contributes to the normal activity of the male reproductive system, improves libido, desire and readiness at any time of the day, to spend a stormy night with a partner of the opposite sex.
Therefore, these products for potency in men should be in the daily diet to eliminate their lack in the body.

Products that increase potency in men - seafood
Seafood is a potency enhancer product that works best to build male strength. This is possible due to the content of essential minerals and vitamins in its composition (the most important are iodine, zinc, selenium, dopamine, etc. ).
oysters- this meal was in the first place for Casanova. This product increases potency by stimulating testosterone production in the male body, increasing libido and overall male health. Contains libido-enhancing iodine, zinc, selenium, and dopamine.
Mussels- have a remarkable effect on the man's body due to the high content of zinc (they have the record for the content of this vitamin), which, as we wrote above, is an important vitamin for men's health.
Squid, shrimp and scampi- contain selenium and zinc. The effect of regular consumption increases male health, semen production and libido.
Caviar- in the composition of folic acid, proteins, selenium, zinc and fast-digesting proteins. Excellent for strengthening male strength.
Flounder and mackerel- 2 fish, rich in phosphorus and capable of increasing attraction to a woman and adding resistance during intimacy.
Generally, what we have listed in the above list are products that are helpful for potency, but it is advisable to choose the sea or ocean weeks of their river fish counterparts. And the fish list itself can be expanded with salmon, trout, and other sturgeons.
These are all products that increase potency in men in this category. Also, our story will be about what will help you achieve quick results.

Fast-acting men's enhancement products
Are there fast acting products for potency in men? Yes there are.
Garlic and onionsThe tubers, partly related to spices, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and special volatile compounds help activate blood circulation, increase testosterone levels and potency. Its regular use will protect against prostatitis and its complications. Garlic is also rich in selenium, a component so essential for men's health. Well, onions were even banned as food in monasteries, due to their high libido-boosting properties and will help decide how long not to finish.
Onion seeds.Grind them in a mortar, add the same amount of honey and use 10 grams 3 times a day. In complex therapy, it will cure prostatitis and increase sexual arousal.
Honey and bee products.A true natural healer. Make it a rule of thumb to consume royal jelly every day and after a while (faster than with other products and media), you will notice that you have become more excitable when looking at the opposite sex, and your stamina in bed will noticeably increase.
Nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios and almonds.Esters, fiber, proteins and a high content of amino acids that increase blood circulation, significantly increase potency.
These products have fast-acting potency, but you should eat them regularly, not every now and then. Especially walnuts with honey, a teaspoon of which a day will strengthen the potency.
Other products that increase potency - list
Chicken and quail eggs.They contain many useful substances important to the male body, but cholesterol, which they contain in excess, is extremely important for a man, as cholesterol is the material from which male sex hormones are built, and cholesterol lowering as wellreduces the amount of testosterone. Therefore, positively and without harm to health, eggs will be used only in a moderate amount and no more than 1 per day.
Red grapes- Products that improve potency cannot do without this berry, which helps to produce sperm, but activates this process Resveratol. Several berries a day will actively improve your male health.
Celery- a product that increases potency due to the high content of vitamins "C", phosphorus and calcium. Eat fresh in salads. Eating it at least once a week will prevent prostatitis.
Bitter chocolate)- Serotonin, the hormone of joy and pleasure, which the body begins to produce after entering the stomach, will contribute to an increase in the state of love. But everywhere you need a measure, it is enough to eat no more than 50 grams. chocolate a day to achieve the effect, trying it shortly in intimate relationships. Powerful libido enhancer, almost aphrodisiac.
Pomegranate (berries and juice)- these are excellent products to improve potency, you can use berries or juice (but only natural), 200-300 gr. Juice a day will increase perspiration resistance (prolong the intimate connection) and libido.
Cabbage (including sauerkraut)- Every man worth his salt and looking for products to increase potency should have this product in his diet every day for its peculiarity of enhancing the activation of testosterone production. 200 - 500 grams. per day, a perfectly acceptable rate to help the body increase the production of this hormone.
Strawberries- these are products to increase potency in men instantly. They contain a lot of zinc. As you know, it plays a fundamental role in men's health. It is zinc that helps increase testosterone. Strawberries will help in love games and increase potency.
Spice- have a great effect on increasing the potency of a man. They act in exciting ways, which is why they are known as aphrodisiacs.
Cereals(barley, beans, peas, oats, and millet): These cereals contain magnesium and actively help increase the body's production of so-called free testosterone. And most importantly, it inhibits circulatory disorders and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Instant Male Potency Product List
Energy drinks.Of course, they must be included in the prohibited list (chapter at the end of the article). But if you need to quickly increase potency, then they are suitable like no other product. other. From a drunk energy flask, you can get a short-term boost in increased sexual strength, which won't last long. But at the same time, your body will receive a load on the blood vessels and the heart muscle. And its long-term use will lead to a heart attack and even a stroke.
Ground coffee- Only the natural ground coffee that you buy in beans will increase your strength in a tender moment. Don't be stingy when buying non-cheap coffee. 2-3 times a day, drinking this drink in small portions (not in glasses, as we are used to drinking in our country) will dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. Sip a cup of this invigorating beverage a few minutes before intimacy with the fair sex and marvel at her stamina in bed with her.
Leuzea tincture- does not apply to products, but we cannot stop writing about it here, as it will help increase testosterone levels and thus strengthen potency. This remedy is taken tossing in the gym to help the body increase testosterone, which is well adapted.
Avocado- With a 100% approval, it can be argued that this is a men's product to increase potency. Its constant use will actively regulate male reproductive function and, in combination with other products, will help increase your male strength.
Celery Root Juice - (freshly squeezed), the testosterone level, and therefore the potency, is capable at times. They drink an hour before the amorous joys. In general, regular use is desirable.
Pumpkin juice(natural). The drink is rich in zinc, which helps to enhance the activation of the male genital area.
FIG- is considered a strong aphrodisiac, as it promotes blood flow into adulthood.
Watermelon- or rather, watermelon juice, contains acid, whose action stimulates potency by improving hematopoiesis.
Horseradish root- the strongest remedy, the action of which is aimed at treating inflammation in the urogenital area of a man. Refers to an aphrodisiac.

Which foods improve potency
To the question "What foods improve potency best? " And we will continue our list with some more products that will actively contribute to a better performance of your dignity.
Koumiss- Mare's milk activates man's resistance, improves reproductive functions and increases the ability to love pleasures.
Dates and figs- Dried dates and figs are considered aphrodisiacs in the countries where they grow.
Parsley, coriander, celery, dill, spinach- With regular consumption, these vegetables will make a strong man in love rejoice. And it will have a positive effect on the production of male sex hormones.
Parsley root- The surprisingly rich and rich composition of vitamins and microelements in this tuber, makes it indispensable in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. And it tones the muscles of the prostate gland, reducing congestion. When asked which potency-boosting products are considered the best, in this list you can put the parsley root in the first place, and its regular use will help to get rid of many diseases and prevent them, some of which can reduce the sphere. intimate of a man.
Ginger root- The list of vitamins, micro and macro elements (including men's health) in this root is huge. In ancient times, it was worth fabulous money. It should be consumed in moderation and preferably fresh (not pickled or in powder form). Ginger invigorates and gives strength, therefore, it is another useful answer to the question of which products improve potency.
Meat- beef, pork, rabbit, lamb and chicken are the most necessary products for obtaining protein and cholesterol (but in moderate amounts), including, as we have already said before, cholesterol is the main building materialof testosterone. Who doesn't know that a good piece of meat and a glass of red wine ignite passion? But regular use and in large doses is contraindicated, remember the sense of proportion.
Milk(fermented milk): curds, yogurts, cheeses and other fermented dairy products have a beneficial effect on male reproductive function. But it should be understood that fermented dairy products work to increase potency in men, but in combination with other food products, and not separately.
Vegetables- must be on a man's diet every day. The action of many of them will be expressed in an additional stimulation of male desire when using other products that increase potency in men.
Apples-this fruit should be in a man's diet every day, in this case everything will be fine with his male health. Make it a rule of thumb to eat 1 apple every day.
You have just read what products improve potency in men, and now we will briefly list what you need to exclude from your diet, which will give a completely opposite effect.
Remember once and for all that the male potency products you just read about should be consumed in moderation. Remember that measurement is necessary everywhere. And even the most useful, if there are many, can go from being useful to useless.
Products harmful to potency
- Alcoholic drinks. The exception is red wine, in moderate quantities. Everything else like vodka, especially beer (high in female hormones), spirits, etc. must be excluded.
- Smoked, fried, salty. Reduce your intake of sweet and salty foods (including pure salt and sugar).
- Coffee and tea, it is necessary to drink it in moderate quantities, giving preference not to the number of cups that are taken per day, but to the quality of the coffee. Coriander in large doses will do harm, but it will not benefit.
- You can consume all kinds of fast foods, energy drinks, maximum 1 time a month.
- Soy: this cereal contains a large amount of female hormones.
- Mayonnaise, hot sauces, margarine, liverwurst, leavened white bread.
- Foods with a large amount of cholesterol, as it is actively involved in blocking blood vessels, reducing their elasticity and thus affecting blood flow, including in the pelvic organs.
- Oil made from flax, corn and soybeans in the most negative way impairs spermatogenesis.
- Skip the yeast bread. Now in every city there are bakeries and departments that sell unleavened bread.
- Everything is smoked, because they contain a large number of substances that actively worsen the image of the body's production of the male hormone testosterone.
Therefore, in your diet there should be products that increase potency in men, and not from the list above, from which it is unlikely that you will receive your improvement.
This list of 31 foods to boost and increase activity in bed. But do not forget that going to the doctor is the best way to get out of this situation, and food products that increase potency are only a supplement to maintain strong male strength at the right level, helping, among other things, to prolong sex. and capacity. be intimate with a woman into old age. . .
In addition, products that increase potency in men will actively protect it from negative effects and destructive factors, helping men's health with the presence of nutrients in their composition.