Sexual life is very important for men. Unfortunately, some people already have problems in the sexual sphere at a young age. Sometimes, due to the action of certain factors, male strength decreases, folk remedies will help quickly and effectively in this case. Environmental factors, bad habits, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep negatively affect the male body. Young men often have potency problems due to psychological and physiological disorders. In this case it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Causes of potency disorders.
Nowadays, people often turn to specialists for help with this problem.
Thus, doctors and sexologists were able to identify several of the most common factors:

- chronic diseases of an infectious nature, this also includes sexually transmitted diseases;
- pathological changes in the reproductive system and prostate;
- psychological stress;
- traumatic brain injuries and brain diseases;
- bad habits;
- hemodiscirculatory processes of the pelvic organs;
- hormonal imbalances;
- deficiency of vitamins of group B;
- passive or overly active lifestyle;
- like the body's reaction to medications.

For men, this is a rather sensitive topic, so they prefer to remain silent. More often they simply avoid sexual contact and shut down. Therefore, many people think about how to restore male power using home remedies. Such treatment will be sufficient if it is the early stages of impotence or when sexual dysfunction is not associated with physiological disorders. Therefore, it is first necessary to eliminate all kinds of negative factors.
Restoring male power through home remedies is becoming more and more popular.
To improve male potency, use:
- plants with medicinal properties;
- creams and ointments made from natural ingredients;
- some foods that can increase libido;
- vitamins.
Experts recommend first of all balancing and enriching the diet with fresh foods. This is the main source of vitamins and useful elements. Especially in winter, it is necessary to monitor nutrition to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.
What home remedies are taken for erectile dysfunction?
After examining and determining the cause, it must first be eliminated. And then start restoring libido. Traditional medicine knows how to restore male forces, these are decoctions of various herbs, tinctures, herbal remedies and ordinary products that can be found in any store. Let's look at some popular recipes.

Healthy dishes:
- Since ancient times, men ate nuts and honey, which is still considered a good remedy to increase potency. You must grind the nut well and add it to the honey. Consume delicious medicines 3 times a day, after meals. Soon the man will feel a surge of strength and greater well-being.
- The nuts are soaked in sweet syrup. Jam is then prepared from this mixture, which quickly improves libido and blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the reproductive system. The body does not get used to this product, so you can use it regularly.
- Eating figs is healthy, it is not necessary to cook them.

- Dubrovnik grass. It is very easy to prepare a decoction from it, you will need 200 ml of water and 4 tsp. dry grass. Mix everything, boil for 5 minutes, drink cold 4 times a day, divide the glass into 4 portions. The herb contains beneficial elements, so the product helps with prostatitis and inflammation.
- Hawthorn decoction has a strengthening and healing effect. It is prepared in two stages, first pour cold water (3 glasses) over the fruits (3 tablespoons), let it rest for 8 to 10 hours, then cook for 7 minutes and wait until it cools. Drink a glass of this folk remedy 3 times a day.
- Add nasturtium seed powder to a glass of boiled water and leave it for 2 hours. Then you have to strain it, the next day the product is ready to use. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, it is necessary to drink half a glass in the morning and evening. The essential oil contained in the seeds improves blood circulation and male strength.
- Add 5 grams of juniper bark to cold water (500 ml) and leave for 10-12 hours. After the product has infused, it is necessary to cook it, bring it to a boil and remove it from the heat after 15 minutes. The strained broth should be divided into 3 parts and drunk within 1 day. The bark of this plant is rich in useful elements, the decoction treats inflammatory processes and disinfects the bladder. Helps relax and relieve tension.

- Chop the green parsley and cilantro. Add 2 s to a glass. l. Mix and add hot water, let it rest for 2 hours. The strained infusion is drunk before meals, the portion is divided into 3 times.
- Grind celery root, 2 tsp. Add to 500 ml of water, the product is prepared for 14 days. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to drink 1 dessert spoon every night. Many say that this plant is a powerful aphrodisiac. It is also used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
- Herbal mix of St. John's wort, nettle and mint. Add 5 teaspoons of each herb to a one-liter thermos and fill with hot water. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Then you have to strain it well and drink a glass 3 times a day.
- To prepare the following remedy you will need fresh aloe juice (150 g), rose hips (100 g) and parsley seed powder (30 g), all this is added to a mixture of honey (250 g) and red wine (350 g ). . ). The mixture is placed in a cool, dark place for two weeks, shaking it every 2-3 days. The medicine is taken one tablespoon a day, 30 minutes before meals.
What plants are not recommended for men?
There are herbs that negatively affect male strength. They are plants that have a sedative effect. For example, peppermint and lemon balm block testosterone production and reduce libido. Tea made from these herbs is harmless to men if you drink it infrequently. Menthol can reduce sperm activity.
Calendula stimulates the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone, in both the female and male bodies. "Female" plants also include viburnum and oregano.
Important for men's health.
If a man is negligent about his health, it will be much more difficult for him to restore libido with the help of folk remedies and even strong medications. There are a number of simple rules that will help a man keep his body in shape and, in case of failure, quickly restore libido.
To maintain power you need:

- Proper nutrition. The diet should include vegetables, cereals, meat (low-fat varieties), sea fish and vegetable oils.
- Get rid of bad habits forever. Smoking and drinking alcohol negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system and the prostate.
- Live an active lifestyle. Physical activity has a positive effect on blood circulation, especially in the pelvis and lower extremities. In order for the body to be in good shape, a man is enough to actively walk about 40 minutes a day.
- Traditional medicine is recognized as effective for the treatment and prevention of male problems. Phytotherapy, massages, essential oils and baths with medicinal ingredients are used to maintain the body. It is especially important to use these procedures in older men as maintenance therapy.
- Personal hygiene and clean underwear are no less important for men's health. Failure to follow these simple rules can lead to inflammation of the urethra. If this problem is not treated in time, the inflammation quickly spreads to the bladder, prostate and kidneys. Therefore, the man must keep his intimate area clean. It is also useful to take a contrast shower at the end of hygiene procedures, this improves blood circulation and increases vascular tone.
- Diagnosis and timely treatment of inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Sufficient sleep and the absence of stress have a positive effect on the emotional state of a man, and this is associated with the physiological state, hormonal levels and immunity. Prolonged experience of negative emotions can also negatively affect male strength, the body becomes vulnerable to various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to rest completely every day, sleep at least 8 hours and spend more time in nature.
There are effective home remedies for male power, you can easily find the right one. But you should not abuse it, you should choose 1 or 2 of the most acceptable and effective ones. If you choose the right remedy, his libido will quickly return to normal.