If you have problems with erection and libido worth to know what is good for the sexual potency of men, what products it affects the body in a way the Russian language, which should be in the food. There is a large list of plates of food ingredients, that acts as a way to influence the sexual activity. Among them you can choose simple vegetables with fruits more exotic components.
That such a power
According to medical terminology, power is the ability of the agency to perform the sexual act. The definition comes from the latin potentia, which translates as an opportunity, related to male sexuality. The term includes features:
- the degree of tension of the penis;
- the speed of the arrival of the erection;
- the duration of the sexual act and the stage of your current assets.
That is good for the power
Problems with libido can cause psychological and physical factors. The latter lead to the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, the violation of work of the prostate, prostatitis, decrease in the production of testosterone hormone. For the standardization of these processes it is important to follow the following rules:
- give the body a physical load – this makes the heart work better, increases vitality, normalizes the circulation of the blood;
- starting to practice the sport: running, cycling, walking, strength training;
- visit the steam bath is a toxins, improves the circulation of the blood;
- to do a massage on the feet can be massaged separately, or simply walking barefoot;
- take the contrast of the bath or shower;
- lead regular sexual life, which becomes the garment of the prevention of erection problems;
- to renounce the harmful food, alcohol, and of the great quantity of coffee, the antispasmodic medications;
- to comply, and the way to organize the healthy sleep;
- check the power to the men particularly important, that is the easiest way to return to sexual activity.

The best products for the power
We distinguish the following best products:
- The chocolate is the biologically active of the theobromine and phenylethylamine in its composition, increase the libido. It is good to eat dark bitter chocolate with 65% cocoa up. The aggregates (especially coffee) it's best to ignore, leaving as an exception to the nuts.
- Quail eggs increase sexual desire at the expense of the content of phosphorus, iron and amino acids. It is good to eat raw food up to four units per day.
- Eggs most poor of the composition in comparison with quail, but more accessible for feeding. The combination of fried eggs with onion, black pepper, improves the sexual power of men. Eating them is not recommended.
- Ragweed is an excellent product of beekeeping, is treated with the pollen of the bees. It is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, contributes to increase the secretion of testosterone up to an adequate level. The daily amount of up to 10 g, with caution use the pollen intolerance of, honey or allergies.
You already know that it's good for the sexual potency of men of the products. We will learn recipes of mixtures and dishes that you must take to increase libido:
- The combination of honey with nuts, seeds, and nuts. Ideal floral honey, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. The latter can sprout. Mixing equal parts of products, add the prunes, eating for 2-3 hours before bedtime. This has a positive effect on the potency of men.
- Boiled mackerel, broth from crab, boiled, or baked seafood. These dishes are with onion sauce: brown half rings, seasoned crushed, the parsley, the celery, the lemon juice and the pulp of the tomato. Little time to fry and serve.
- Compote or baked in the oven the tomatoes with the garlic, the olive oil. Plato increases the power of the unambiguous, because it contains only useful for men products.
- The dates with almonds, coconut plates. Already after half an hour dan expressed, in effect, increase erection, boost sexual desire of men.
Assessment of the useful for the power products of the
Among the large variety of these products are considered to be more effective seafood, fish, vegetables (especially turnip greens). It is still shown that cicurina (camels stomach) has a positive effect on sexual potency. What is characteristic not only important the right products, but also the manner of its consumption, but because the information provided below, it will be useful to many.
In the first place. Cicurina
Let's start with the fact that the stomach of a camel is considered as the best product for the recovery of the masculine force. That is only for the body, it is completely harmless. And the only drawback secuieni is that take this product is extremely difficult.
What is it? In fact, it is normal for camels stomach, just dry in a special way. The tool accepts (even though 3 g is about as pea) 30 minutes before the sexual intercourse, or directly in front of him, and the effect occurs almost immediately.
In the second place. Oysters
Are an aphrodisiac, they are also able to stimulate the masculine force. The fact that the seafood there are many organic zinc and some amino acids – strengthen the development of testosterone, increases the amount of seminal fluid. In addition, oysters have dopamine, increases the libido. It has been shown that the zinc and other elements in the seafood, more precisely, in the time of spring, that is to say, in the active period of the breeding. In summary, in our case, it is preferable to use an oyster, which were corralled in the spring.
By the heat treatment, the greater part of the useful substances which are lost, because the product is preferable to eat raw. For a better taste, you can use lemon juice – sprinkle them shellfish before the meal.
In terms of contraindications, in this case, such as:
- diabetes;
- weakened immune system;
- low acidity;
- disease of the liver;
- reception antatsidov, corticosteroids.
As a more secure alternative, you can take a bath, filled with 1/3 of the molluscs, filled with hot water. If you lie in a bathtub for at least an hour, the sexual function can help improve. And the 5 procedures can cure impotence.
The third place. The sole
She is very good and useful, a positive effect on the sexual functioning of the authority. In this fish for a much balanced for protein, which is well absorbed by the body due to the small amount of connective tissue. For the fish completely maintains all of the properties, you must cook in the steam (as an option you can bake, stew). After the provision should terminate the heat treatment.
The fourth place. The mackerel cooked
Contains large amount of fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which participate in the synthesis of testosterone, and therefore has a positive impact on the sexuality, of both men and women. If you usually eat boiled mackerel, it will increase the power and increase the production of sperm.
In the fifth place. The turnip
Contains many useful substances that strengthen the body in general and sexual potency in particular, increasing the production of testosterone. Improve the erection of seeds of turnip, this action has boiled the vegetables, added to meat dishes.
There is also a special mixture, which is easy to cook: cook up a large turnip into 0.5 l of cow's milk, then rub and mix with him. To strengthen the effect of the treatment, you can add 100 g of honey. This tool should take 50 g 4 times a day.
What other products can be useful?
There are many other products that increase the sexual power. If you are active in the diet of some of what is presented here, you will be able to get rid of erection problems without the use of pharmaceutical funds.
The meat
Product with high energy density, the activation of the production of thyroxine, which, in turn, supports the excitation of the nerve centers. In the flesh of a lot of nutrients and vitamins, and therefore necessarily to be taken in the event of problems with the erection.
The most useful of the flesh for the power:
- meat of equine animals;
- chicken;
- beef;
- rabbit;
- meat of lamb;
- the frog legs.
If you are talking about the most exotic representatives of this group, to such take scallops of the roosters, the meat of drozdov, pheasants, as well as bullish/of rams testicles, fried with onions.
The ideal is that all the meat dishes should be cooked or cooking in the steam. It is necessary with the green or vegetables, but not with the potatoes. However, if you consume too much meat, you can have the opposite effect: all the forces with which to take in the digestion, so that the marked slowing of sexual activity.
Berries, fruits
These include bananas, grapes, raspberries, mango, and other similar products. Help to increase the libido both in the air and in the drying, while still providing the body the energy required. Enhances the functionality of the endocrine system, including the production of sex hormones.
In them a large amount of magnesium, zinc, vitamins A and E, that is to say, substances that are beneficial to the erection. To enhance last, you can use different nuts – walnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc

To get the most benefit from the food should be consumed raw. It's even better if you combine multiple types of dried fruit and nuts together with the honey. Also keep in mind that the most effective are considered to be of cedar and muscat nuts.
Is a pollen (which is male genital cells), in particular in treated bees. At perga a large amount of protein, without which it is impossible normal sexual life. For good power you need a power supply that you can also get the pollen. It also increases the production of testosterone, improving blood flow to the penis. The word, the product acts in an integrated way.
To increase the power, every day should consume a minimum of 10 g pollen. If you have impotence, is the amount of product that can increase the pre-consultation with the doctor.
Apply as a main dish or accompaniment to the products described above. For the power best-suited:
- arc (all types);
- garlic;
- col;
- pepper;
- carrots;
- asparagus;
- radishes;
- celery.

These vegetables contain many useful substances that help increase libido and increase sexual potency. Eat your cooked and raw.
The eggs
The composition of a little more poor, and the consumption of crude oil is fraught with some infections. But if they are applied, in accordance with the rules of hygiene, this will have a positive impact on the working capacity of the sexual system.
The chocolate
In a place dark chocolate much theobromine (the effect is the same as that of caffeine), as well as phenylethylamine (increases libido, causes a sensation of love). In addition, it contains antioxidants, which improve the mood. The preference is necessary to give up is dark chocolate, containing a minimum of 65% cocoa, and to use it only in small amounts. And these are the products with aggregates are not appropriate (except with the nuts).
Quail eggs
If you consume each day, you can increase the sexual desire, as well as by the small amount of time (approximately 60 minutes) to experience multiple orgasms. This is possible thanks to that in the eggs a lot of iron, phosphorus and amino acids. You can drink it raw – if you are cool, not cause disease (the body temperature of the quail can reach up to 40 degrees, and in such conditions, all microorganisms are killed).
Drinks that increase the power of the
The constant use of the beverages listed below, will help you to solve the erection problem and strengthen the body in general.
- Freshly-squeezed juices. The undisputed leader is the juice of pomegranate contains nitrogen (a contributor to the relaxation of the circulatory system) and improves the circulation of blood. Ends with sexual problems juice of pumpkin, which is rich in zinc. Juice of watermelon contributes to the dilation of blood vessels, which impacts positively on the power. This also includes juices of all fruits/vegetables, in which a large amount of vitamin E. Remember that juices should be, precisely, juices, and not store bought!
- Ginger tea. It is rich in amino acids, vitamins A, b, c, and useful minerals, but because it contributes to the aclaracin of the blood and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels, stimulates the activity of the brain, and removes toxins.
And what happens to the products that can damage the power?
Individual products can lead to the men's discomfort, the reduction of the sexual activity. It is evident that the diet of these products it is desirable to exclude or at least minimize their amount. Everything that is harmful affects to the power of the list can not, therefore, focus only on the points benefits of essential oils.
Table. Which can harm the power.
Name of the | Brief description of the |
Sausages | Due to the special Smoking fluids can cause toxic, the defeat of the testicles, which is the main "manufacturer" of the testosterone. |
Cilantro | If you eat them slowly, you can improve the health of the men, but the effect of an excess of consumption is diametrically opposed. |
The alcohol | Damage to the testicles, reducing the production of testosterone. Especially dangerous is the beer, as in it, besides alcohol, are also present phytoestrogens. |
Caffeinated drinks | The caffeine is removes the free testosterone, that's why it is recommended that on the day of taking not more than a cup of coffee. The same applies to energy drinks – will generate only the illusion of the climb, in reality damage the blood vessels and increases the load of heart. |
Lemonade | A large amount of sugar and the so-called amplifiers of thirst, leading to dehydration. |
Products in the a lot of harmful cholesterol | It is the pizza, fries, other fast food, sausages, mayonnaise, and everything fried in the oil. |
The oil of flax/soy/corn | All these oils reduce the production of testosterone. Daily standard should be no more than 6 tablespoons of |
Soy | In it, also, a large phytoestrogens, which have an effect opposite to testosterone. Do not use soy as a meat substitute, otherwise, can lead to the oppression of sexual functions. |
The white bread leaps and bounds | It can also cause damage sexual health. |
Milk fat | In such milk is the estrogen in excessive amounts harms the male sex and health. Maximum daily standard – 1 hp |
Finally note that, in addition to the above, in the android payment capacity may affect negatively the excess of salt, sugar and other substances in the that the man need on a daily basis.